So I have already fallen behind in this Epic Challenge :D but I hope forgiveness is nigh when I post this humble yet proud achievement. I'm a notoriously slow painter, well no slow, but I rarely manage to allow myself time to paint, with everything else getting prioritized.
Anywho, I have now begun painting my ork force, tried new techniques (yellow does just not sit well with me) and cut some corners.
Behold the first batch of mighty battlewagons, ready to roar across the battlefield and wreck havoc and devastation upon my enemy! If they don't break down en route :)
This is 400 pts worth of orky goodness, a bit short and a month late, so I will try and catch up when I get around to painting the bigger stuff such as clans and gargants.
First up are the diminutive Gobsmashas, basically a big gun on big wheels. Given the malfunctional nature of orky machinery, a sight of these should not impose the biggest threat but they are fast and expendable and a battlecannon in your face is something even the toughest Space Marine should fear (if they know fear. But then they get to know death by Gobsmasha!)
Next, we have the Bowelburna, a nasty piece of work. Even faster than the Gobsmasha and sporting a fairly powerful scorcher, so essentially a really big flamethrower on wheels. These are iconic to me and a must have, although I did skip a few corners with the paint job :) The design reminds me of the gun trucks of yore, which was basically a car with additional plating and a turret ... and a gun obviously, and this reflects the Bowelburna, fast and dangerous but with little armour and exposed tires - a recipe for disaster!

Then we have the mighty Skullhamma! Again, an iconic model and the first ork battle fortress to appear in White Dwarf. I have never painted one before and did this one really fast (as I did with all of them). I have plenty in stock, and I actually look forward to paint one again. There is so much detail on this model, just the amount of rivets for one is mind-blowing! Kev Adams (the sculptor) really did great on these small lumps of lead - at least in my mind, I love them to bits :)

Last, behold the gruesome Gibletgrinda! To me, this one is the new boy on the block, being released in the second wave of ork tanks and after our epic phase was practically over, typically for teens we couldn't stay focused on one game for very long and let's face it, GW did take their time with the releases back then :) But it was a different time, the studio was much smaller and the sculptors worked solely in putty so things took time. Albeit, I never owned one before getting back into the hobby, and currently I have twelve (12!) so this one won't be the last hahaha! I just have to figure out how to paint a decent yellow, not really satisfied with this one. But he's done and ready to roll over the corpses of puny 'oomies ;D
That's it for now! Short, too little, sloppy job but an effort none the least! Most importantly, we are in business! Waaargh!!!